The Untold Story
As Nike finally released the legendary ‘Big Bubble’, we told the story of the one before the Air Max 1.
The year is 1986.
The very first Nike Air Max have hit the streets.
And are a complete failure.
That now iconic exposed window of air cracks in cold weather.
So the shoes are taken back off the streets.
The bubble has literally burst on this big idea.
Next year the ‘Big Bubble’ is made smaller.
It works.
And the rest is sneaker history.

For Air Max Day a limited edition of fifty shoeboxes wore their scars with pride.
Inspired by kintsugi, the Japanese art and philosophy of repairing with gold, to take something shattered by the cold, a lost cause, and turn it into something even more beautiful and meaningful.

Another ancient Japanese technique took us deeper, using complex paper folding to create a ‘cracked’ poster. Revealing the until-now untold story one imperfect organic unfold at a time.

When things fall apart, what does it mean to pick up the pieces?
What if instead of the mistake.
The broken. The now.
We saw the lesson.
The beauty. The future.